
Posts Tagged ‘Right’

How do we convert numbers to words. Especially useful if you are writing cheques (checks) through printing through a soft file.

The logic given below is one for India – it uses crores and lacs. The logic works for all numbers between 1 and 99,99,99,999 (100 crore -1)

Say the numbers that need to be converted to words are given in column A


Step 1: Start with defining the following arrays


Step2: Extract units, tens, hundreds, thousands, lacs and crores from the numbers in column A

The result is given Array1 below:


The formulas used are:

For crores: D2=ROUNDDOWN($A2,-7)

For lacs: E2=ROUNDDOWN($A2,-5)-$D2

For thousands: F2=ROUNDDOWN($A2,-3)-SUM($D2:E2)

For hundreds: G2=ROUNDDOWN($A2,-2)-SUM($D2:F2)

For tens & units: H2=$A2-SUM($D2:G2)

Drag till end of columns

Modify the Array1 so that resuts appear as this in Array2:


The formulas used are:

For crores: I2=D2/10^7

For lacs: J2=E2/10^5

For thousands: K2=F2/10^3

For hundreds: L2=G2/10^2

For tens+units: M2=H2

Step 3: Convert numbers to words for each column


The formulas used are:

Crores: N2=IF(LEN(I2)=1,VLOOKUP(I2,Unit_array,2,FALSE),IF(VALUE(LEFT(I2,1))=1,VLOOKUP(I2,teens,2,FALSE),CONCATENATE(VLOOKUP(VALUE(LEFT(I2,1)),tens,2,FALSE),” “,VLOOKUP(VALUE(RIGHT(I2,1)),Unit_array,2,FALSE))))


Thousands: P2=IF(LEN(K2)=1,VLOOKUP(K2,Unit_array,2,FALSE),IF(VALUE(LEFT(K2,1))=1,VLOOKUP(K2,teens,2,FALSE),CONCATENATE(VLOOKUP(VALUE(LEFT(K2,1)),tens,2,FALSE),” “,VLOOKUP(VALUE(RIGHT(K2,1)),Unit_array,2,FALSE))))

Hundreds: Q2=VLOOKUP(L2,Unit_array,2,FALSE)

Tens&Units: R2=IF(LEN(M2)=1,VLOOKUP(M2,Unit_array,2,FALSE),IF(VALUE(LEFT(M2,1))=1,VLOOKUP(M2,teens,2,FALSE),CONCATENATE(VLOOKUP(VALUE(LEFT(M2,1)),tens,2,FALSE),” “,VLOOKUP(VALUE(RIGHT(M2,1)),Unit_array,2,FALSE))))

Formula for crores, lacs, thousands, tens&units are similar in logic and construct

The logic used is

  • If number is of 1 digit (0 to 9)- then lookup value from Unit_array
  • If number starts with 1 (10 to 19) – then lookup value from teens
  • For all else (20 to 99) – lookup left digit from tens and right digit from Unit_array and concatenate

Formula for hundreds is simple – lookup value from Unit_array as hundreds can only be from 0 to 9

Step 4: Now the fun part – putting it all together


The formula is simply

B2=PROPER(CONCATENATE(IF(I2>0,N2&” crores “,””),IF(J2>0,O2&” lacs “,””),IF(K2>0,P2&” thousand “,””),IF(L2>0,Q2&” hundred “,””),IF(R2>0,R2,””)))

Have added proper to capitalize the first letters of all words in the text string.

Let me know if it helps you 🙂

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I had encountered this problem while carrying out mail merge. Usually names are stored in a single field. In order to carry out mail merge for a letter/mailer, last names needs to be stored in a separate field to faciliate merge as Dear Mr/Ms last_name

The original list is stored in column A whereas the desired lists in columns B and C.
Formula used in cell B2 is =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(” “,A2))
Formula used in cell C2 is =LEFT(A2,FIND(” “,A2)-1)
Dragging these formulas give us the desired results in columns B and C

Alternative solution

1. Select A2:A8

2. From toolbar –>Data –> Text to Columns… –>Delimited–>Space–> Finish

Make sure that column B has no data to begin with. If there is some data already, insert a blank column B.

Appears as First Name, Last Name in columns A and B

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